XVI Modave Summer School in Mathematical Physics
© Fiorucci Adrien, 2020.

The Modave Summer School in Mathematical Physics is a summer school organised by and aimed at Ph.D. students. The school provides blackboard lectures given by young researchers. The lectures cover core subjects that contribute to the backbone knowledge of the participants working in the field of theoretical and mathematical physics, which includes topics in General Relativity, Quantum Field Theory and String Theory.

This year marks the 16th edition of the school! As for the previous years, the ULB, VUB, KUL and UMONS will join their forces to propose a unique scientific and human experience in the heart of the Belgian countryside.

Practical information

Due to the sanitary crisis, the substitute Modave school is set to take place from the 9th till the 11th of September in Brussels at the VUB.
New location: Auditorium D.0.08 [ Brussels, Pleinlaan/Boulevard de la Plaine, 2 - 1050 Elsene/Ixelles ]

The schedule is already available here !

For the covid-rules, on VUB campus wearing a face mask is mandatory.

Note that wearing a mouth mask is in fact mandatory in Brussels in general as well as on all Belgian public transport. Sadly it turns out that we shall be obliged to wear the masks also inside even though we will be seated sufficiently spread out. In addition, it is recommended to stay outside until close to the start of the lectures.

We are sorry for this inconvenience but we feel we should not let this stop us from meeting and nevertheless make the experience as pleasant as possible.

Please also stay home if you are feeling sick or have been sick up to 5 days before the lectures (unless you know it was something you won't pass on of course).

For any further information, please contact us at modaveschool@gmail.com !

Organizing committee

Ankit Aggarwal (ULB), Pieter Bomans (KUL), Martin Bonte (ULB), Jonathan Crabbé (ULB), Marine De Clerck (VUB), David De Filippi (UMONS), Vasko Dimitrov (KUL), Adrien Druart (ULB), Ludovic Ducobu (UMONS), Adrien Fiorucci (ULB), Kwinten Fransen (KUL), Yegor Goncharov (UMONS/U. de Tours), Philip Hacker (VUB), Lorenzo Küchler (ULB/KUL), Yan Liu (ULB), Vincent Min (KUL), Daniel Naegels (ULB), Pierluigi Niro (ULB/VUB), Antoine Pasternak (ULB), Simon Pekar (UMONS), Romain Ruzziconi (ULB), Colin Sterckx (ULB), Rob Tielemans (KUL), Magnus Tournoy (KUL), Lucas Traina (UMONS), Guillaume Valette (ULB), Vincent Van Hemelryck (KUL), Jesse van Muiden (KUL), Quentin Vandermiers (ULB), Gerben Venken (KUL) and Sofia Zhidkova (VUB).

Sponsors of the Modave Summer School

We gratefully acknowledge the support of the following sponsors:


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